Dec 24, 2013

Christmas Digging - Marvin

Bringing in the Holiday Spirit, DCD wouldn't feel complete without presenting a Christmas song or two. This one is by one of the best ever, Marvin Gaye, who always took a different approach in his songs. Out of all angles, he made this Christmas song about being a prisoner of war in Vietnam, and how he misses seeing snowflakes and Santa Claus. Who does that?? A GENIUS, that's who! This is a bonifide classic and should be played on the radio more often...

Marvin Gaye - I Want To Come Home For Christmas

Dec 19, 2013

Christmas Digging - James

DCD brings in the Christmas cheer and the Holiday funk with this James Brown tune. I won't listen to anything else this season.

James Brown - Soulful Christmas

Dec 12, 2013

Digging for Africa

Brought to you by the homie J Shepherd, this dig comes from the classic Soundtrack "Shaft In Africa". See if you can spot the samples in there.

Johnny Pate - Shaft in Africa

Dec 4, 2013

Digging For Some Understanding

When you define SOUL, you can't go any further than this performance. Louisville, KY's own New Birth came out the frame with this jam from the short-lived PBS Show "SOUL!" that aired back in the early 70s.

New Birth - I Can Understand It (Live from SOUL!)